Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Why Contact Celebrities?

Autographs used to be a way of proving that you’d met a famous person – kind of like a signature in a hotel guest book would prove that Abe Lincoln once slept there. But nowadays, most autographs that are collected either disappear into a drawer to one day be tossed as so much trash, or end up in collectible stores or online auctions like eBay. “The card market is pretty amazing,” says Brady, “It's just continued to grow, mainly because people seem to have a fixation; they like to buy baseball cards. We're asked to participate in a lot of card shows, and it isn't until you get there that you realized how big a deal the card industry really is. Shoot, the whole memorabilia industry is amazing now… to think that Luis Gonzalez's gum went for as much as it did. That's amazing to me. It's nuts, crazy."
Luis Gonzalez’s gum really did sell for a large amount of money on eBay – over $3000 – leading Seattle Mariners reliever Jeff Nelson to try to sell bone chips from his elbow on the website soon after. Unfortunately, eBay has a rule against selling body parts so Nelson’s auction was soon abandoned.
But an autograph can just as easily be junk as it can be treasure. Brady knows this from experience, having had to tell more than one memorabilia storeowner that a football in their possession that was supposedly signed by the marquee passer was actually a forgery. "When you talk about how big of a business autographs are,” says Brady, “and how much money is involved, you can understand why people are trying to cut corners. I know I'm a little apprehensive when you see older guys standing out, waiting for your autograph."
Truly the only way to be sure that your piece of memorabilia is genuine, whether it comes from an actor, sporting legend, wrestler or serial killer, is to make contact with the person yourself (well, maybe not the serial killer). This can be difficult with some celebrities, but others are very easy to track down and are more than happy to offer you something for your collection.
Ultimately, if you’re smart, sane, and prepared to do a little work, you can contact just about any celebrity out there and let them know you care. Step one is to choose who it is you want to get in touch with, then skip to the section of this e-book that deals with those people.

Normally $11.98, for a short time only you get this incredible highly acclaimed ebook for just $5.99! That's a 50% discount!
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posted by Oz at 6:39 PM